1st International Conference on Network Protocols
ICNP 1993
San Francisco, California, USA
October 19 - 22

Advance Program



Keynote Address:     "Data Networking in the 1990s"
A.J. (Al) Delorenzi, Data Communications Products, Northern Telecom Ltd., Canada

Session 1A: Multicasting
Chair: Mustaque Ahmad, Georgia Institute of Technology

1. Parallel and Configurable Protocols: Experiences with a Prototype and an Architectural Framework, B. Lindgren, B. Krupczak, M. Ammar, and K. Schwan, Georgia Institute of Technology
2. Multiprotocol Transport Networking: A General Internetworking Solution, K. Britton, W-S.E. Chen, T-Y.D. Chung, A. Edwards, J. Mathew, D. Pozefsky, S. Sarkar, R. Turner, IBM Corporation, USA and W. Doeringer and D. Dykeman, IBM Corporation, Switzerland
3. A Highly Parallelized Architecture for a DQDB Node, L. Kusdemir and S. Bilgen, Middle East Technical University, Turkey

Session 1B: Protocol Verification I
Chair: Yutaka Matsushito, Keio University, Japan

4. Verifying Authentication Protocols: Methodology and Example, T.Y.C. Woo and S.S. Lam, The University of Texas at Austin
5. Module-N Incarnation Numbers for Cache-Based Transport Protocols, A.U. Shankar, University of Maryland College Park, and D. Lee, ATT Bell Laboratories
6. Modularization of a Specification in LOTOS, K. Goh and N. Shiratori, Tohoku Univeristy, Japan

Session 2A: Routing Protocols
Chair: Sudhir Aggarwal, SUNY at Binghamton

7. CLNP-Based Protocol for Mobile End Systems Within an Area, R. Tanaka and M. Tsukamoto, SHARP Corporation, Japan
8. An Approach to Hierarchical Inter-Domain Routing with On-Demand ToS and Policy Resolution, C. Alaettinoglu and A.U. Shankar, University of Maryland, College Pak
9. An Architecture for Virtual Circuit/QoS Routing, A. Guillen, R.N. Kia, and B. Sales, Brussels Universities, Belgium

Session 2B: Protocol Modularity and Layering
Chair: Yow-Jian Lin, Bellcore

10. Beyond Layering: Modularity Considerations for Protocol Architectures, K.L. Calvert, Georgia Institute of Technology
11. A Compositional Approach for Designing Protocols, G. Singh, Kansas State University
12. Modules as Building Blocks for Protocol Configuration, T. Plagemann, B. Plattner, M. Vogt, and T. Walter, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland

Session 3A: Congestion and Flow Control
Chair: Prathima Agrawal, ATT Bell Laboratories

13. The FCVC (Flow-Controlled Vircual Channels) Protocol for ATM Networks: A Summary, H.T. Kung, Harvard University, and A. Chapman, Bell-Northern Research, Ontario, Canada
14. Service Specific Connection Oriented Protocol for the ATM Adaptation Layer, N. Morita, I. Inoue, M. Mito, and T. Akaike, NTT Communication Switching Laboratories, Japan
15. The Generic Flow Control (GFC) Protocol: A Performance Assessment, Y. Chang, D. Su, and S. Wakid, National Institute of Standards and Technology, and X. Qian and D. Vaman, Stevens Institute of Technology

Session 3B: Protocol Theory
Chair: Kia Makki, University of Nevada at Las Vegas

16. A Note on Communicating Machines with Identical Symmetrical and Dual Processes Using Rewriting Systems, H. Mountassir, UFR des Sciences et Techniques, France
17. Decidability Issues in Reduced Reachability Analysis, L. Cacciari and O. Rafiq, T.A.S.C. Universite de Pau, France
18. On Petri Nets and Self-Stabilization of Communication Protocols, W. Peng, Southwest Texas State University

Keynote Address
Chair: Eric G. Manning, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Protocol Development Versus Formal Description Techniques, Harry Rudin, IBM Research Division, Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland

Session 4A: Congestion and Rate Control
Chair: Yow-Wei Yao, IBM Corporation

19. A Congestion Notification Technique for SMDS Networks, P. Havala, H. Kaur, M. Sosa, and M. Ulema, Bellcore
20. Adaptive Rate-Based Congestion Control Versus TCP-SS: A Performance Comparison, R.F. Chang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, L. Huynh and J. Gray, IBM Corporation
21. Flow Theory: Verification of Rate-Reservation Protocols, J.A. Cobb and M.G. Gouda, The University of Texas at Austin

Session 4B: Protocol Testing I
Chair: Tadanori Mizuno, Shizuoka University, Japan

22. Reverse-Engineering of Communication Protocols, D. Lee and K. Sabnani, ATT Bell Laboratories
23. Generating Maximal Fault Coverage Conformance Test Sequences of Reduced Length for Communication Protocols, R.E. Miller, University of Maryland, College Park, and S. Paul, ATT Bell Laboratories
24. Automatic Test Case Generation for Estelle, C.-J. Wang and M.T. Liu, The Ohio State University

Session 5A: Broadcast Protocols
Chair: Ahmed Tantawy, IBM Watson Research Center

25. Improved Randomized Broadcast Protocols in Multi-Hop Radio Networks, C. Lee, J.E. Burns, and M.H. Ammar, Georgia Institute of Technology
26. A Multicast Mechanism with Ordering on Overlapping Groups, X. Jia and S.Y. So, The University of Queensland, Australia
27. Consistency Algorithms for Optimistic Replication, R.G. Guy, G.J. Popek, and T.W. Page, Jr., University of California, Los Angeles

Session 5B: Simulation and Validation Tools
Chair: David M. Cohen, Bellcore

28. Galileo: A Tool for Simulation and Analysis of Real-Time Networks, E.W. Knightly and G. Ventre, University of California, Berkeley
29. Mushroom: A Program for the Automated Verification of an SCM Protocol Specification, G.M. Lundy and B. Bulbul, Naval Postgraduate School
30. From Formal Specification to Implementation: Experience with Protocol Tools, T.J. Baumgartner, D.M. Kristol, J.D. Milleville, and P.S. Parikh, ATT Bell Laboratories

Panel Session: Protocol Conversion and Internetworking
Chair: David Lee, ATT Bell Laboratories
Panelists: Joshua Auerbach, IBM Watson Research Center,
Kenneth L. Calvert, Georgia Institute of Technology,
Simon S. Lam, The University of Texas at Austin,
William Marshall, ATT Bell Laboratories, and
Krishan K. Sabnani, ATT Bell Laboratories

Session 6A: Protocol for LANs
Chair: Jack S. Eddy Tan, University of Houston

31. Enhancing SCI's Fairness Protocol for Increased Throughput, D. Picker, R.D. Fellman, and P.M. Chau, University of California, San Diego
32. On Token Protocols for High-Speed Multiple-Ring Networks, W. Dabosiewicz and P. Gburzynski, University of Alberta, Canada
33. An Optical Network Interface Unit for Multichannel Ring Networks, F. Reichmeyer, S. Hariri, W. Song, and K. Jabbour, Syracuse University

Session 6B: Protocol Verification II
Chair: Joseph Fuchun Lin, Bellcore

34. Hierarchy-Based Incremental Analysis of Communication Protocols, K.-C. Tai and P.V. Koppol, North Carolina State University
35. An Estelle Interpreter for Incremental Protocol Verification, C.-M. Huang, J.-M. Hsu, H.-Y. Lai, J.-C. Pong, and D.-T. Huang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
36. Verifying Estelle Specifications: Numerical Petri Nets Approach, A. Jirachiefpattana and R. Lai, La Trobe University, Australia

Session 7A: Performance Evaluation
Chair: Mohammad S. Obaidat, City University of New York

37. Routing and Congestion Control in ATM Networks, V. Marbukh, NYC Department of Sanitation
38. A Novel Neural Network Traffic Description fo ATM Networks, A.A. Tarraf, I.W. Habib, and T.N. Saadawi, City College of New York
39. An Approach to Evaluating the Performance of Communication Protocols Bassed on Formal Specifications, S. Zhang and S.T. Chanson, University of Birtish Columbia, Canada

Session 7B: protocol Testing II
Chair: C. Edward Chow, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

40. Probabilistic Conformance Testing of Protocols with Unobservable Transitions, S.H. Low, ATT Bell Laboratories
41. A Framework for Interoperability Testing of Network Protocols, J. Alilovic-Curgus and S.T. Vuong, University of British Columbia, Canada
42. Language-Based Analysis of Communicating Finite State Machines, J. Huus, Simware, Inc., and H. Ural, University of Ottawa, Canada