ICNP'97 Advance Program
Tuesday, 28 October 1997
Full-Day Tutorials
Wednesday, 29 October 1997
8:00am - 8:30am Continental Breakfast
8:30am - 9:00am Welcome Session
9:00am - 10:15am Keynote Address:
Protocols for Next Generation Networks
Dr. Alfred Aho,
Associate Research Vice President
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
10:15am - 10:30am Break
10:30am - 12:00am Paper Session I: ATM Protocols
Session Chair: T. La Porta, Bell Laboratories
12:00am - 1:30pm Lunch Break
1:30pm - 3:00pm Paper Session II: Multimedia and Wireless Protocols
Session Chair: J. W. Wong , University of Waterloo
5. Carrier-Sense
Protocols for Packet-Switched Smart Antenna Basestations
C. Sakr, T. Todd, McMaster University
6. User
Agents and Flexible Messages: A New Approach to Wireless Two-Way Messaging
T. Woo, T. La Porta, K. Sabnani, Lucent technologies, Bell Labs
7. The
Join-the-Shortest-Queue Prefetching Protocol for VBR Video on Demand
M. Reisslein, K. Ross, University of Pennsylvania
8. Migrating
Sockets for Networking with Quality of Service Guarantees
D. Yau, S. Lam, University of Texas, Austin
3:00pm - 3:30pm Break
3:30pm - 5:00pm Panel Session I: How Should Wide-Area Multicast Work?
Moderator/Organizer: Jon Turner, Wash. Univ., St. Louis
Participants: J. J. Garcia-Luna, UCSC, M. Gerla, UCLA, J. Lieberherr,
Polytechnic University, N. Maxemchuck, AT&T Research
6:00pm - 8:00pm Conference Reception (Sponsored by Hitatchi Telecom,
Thursday, 30 October 1997
8:00am - 8:30am Continental Breakfast
8:30am - 10:00am Paper Session III: Protocol Design and Analysis
Session Chair: H. Ural, University of Ottawa
9. Once-and-for-all
Management Protocol (OFMP)
S. Kulkarni, A. Arora, Ohio State University
10. Group
Leader Election under Link-State Routing
Y. Huang, P. K. McKinley, Michigan State University
11. A
Compositional Approach for Designing Multifunction Time-Dependent Protocols
J. Park, R. Miller, University of Maryland, College Park
12. Passive
Testing and Applications to Network Management
D. Lee, A. Netravali, K. Sabnani, B. Sugla, Lucent Technologies, Bell
A. John, University of Texas, Austin
10:00am - 10:30am Break
10:30am - 12:00am Paper Session IV: Admission and Bandwidth Control
Session Chair: K. Ross, University of Pennsylvania
13. On
the Accuracy of Admission Control Tests
E. Knightly, Rice University
14. On-line
Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation
E. Fulp, D. Reeves, North Carolina State University
15. Admission
Control and Loss Management for an Application-Level Statistical Service
G. Xie, Naval Postgraduate School,
S. Lam, University of Texas, Austin
16. Design
and Implementation of a Real-Time Switch for Segmented Ethernets
C. Venkatramani, IBM. T. J. Watson Research Center
T. Chiueh, State University of New York, Stony Brook
12:00am - 1:30pm Lunch Break
1:30pm - 3:00pm Panel Session II: Protocols for Distributed Interactive
Moderator/Organizer: Christophe Diot, INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis
Participants: Don Brutzman, Navel Postgraduate School, Warren Katz,
Mak Technologies
3:00pm - 3:30pm Break
3:30pm - 5:00pm Paper Session V: Quality-of-Service Routing
Session Chair: M. Gouda, University of Texas, Austin
17. QoS
Based Routing Algorithm in Integrated Services Packet Networks
C. Pornavalai, N. Shiratori, Tohoku University
G. Chakraborty, University of Aizu
18. Routing
Guaranteed Quality of Service Connections in Integrated Services Packet
W. Zhao, S. Tripathi, University of Maryland, College Park
19. Load
Profiling for Efficient Route Selection in Multi-Class Networks
A. Bestavros, Boston University,
I. Matta, Northeastern University
20. On
Path Selection for Traffic with Bandwidth Guarantees
Q. Ma, P. Steenkiste, Carnegie Mellon University
Friday, 31 October 1997
8:00am - 8:30am Continental Breakfast
8:30am - 10:00am Paper Session VI: Transport and End-to-End Protocols
Session Chair: K. Suzuki, KDD R&D Labs, Japan
21. TCP
Behavior with Many Flows
R. Morris, Harvard University
22. Improved
Virtual Queueing and Dynamic EPD Techniques for TCP over ATM
Y. Wu, K. Siu, W. Ren, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
23. Active
Networking and the End-to-End Argument
S. Bhattacharjee, K. Calvert, E. Zegura, Georgia Institute of Technology
24. TCP-R:
TCP Mobility Support for Continuous Operation
D. Funato, K. Yasuda, H. Tokuda, Keio University
10:00am - 10:30am Break
10:30am - 12:00am Panel Session III: Networking to the Home and Community
Moderator/Organizer: John Limb, Georgia Institute of Technology
Participants: A. Gelman, Bellcore, K. Sriram, Lucent, J. Lansofrd, Intel,
K. Calvert, Georgia Tech.
12:00am - 1:30pm Lunch Break
1:30pm - 3:00pm Paper Session VII: Multicast Protocols
Session Chair: S. Paul, Bell Laboratories
25. Improving
Internet Multicast with Routing Labels
B. Levine, J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, University of California, Santa
26. Practical
Multicasting on a Nonbroadcast Subnetwork
S. Walton, M. Gerla, University of California, Los Angeles
27. A
Co-operative Packet Recovery Protocol for Multicast Video
N. Maxemchuck, AT&T Labs
K. Padmanabhan, Fujitsu Labs
S. Lo, Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs
28. Application-Layer
Group Communication Server for Extending Reliable Multicast Protocols Services
E. Al-Shaer, H. Abdel-Wahab, K. Maly, Old Dominion University
3:00pm - 3:30pm Break
3:30pm - 5:00pm Paper Session VIII: Routing Protocols
Session Chair: G. Rouskas, North Carolina State University
29. Balanced
J. Cobb, University of Houston
M. Gouda, University of Texas, Austin
30. Dynamic
Host Routing for Production Use of Developmental Networks
J. Touch, T. Faber, USC/Information Sciences Institute
31. An
Experimental Study of Insider Attacks for the OSPF Routing Protocol
B. Vetter, F. Wang, S. F. Wu, North Carolina State University
32. Traffic
Dispersion and its Impact on ATM Protocol Functions
E. Gustafsson, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
G. Karlsson, Swedish Institute of Computer Science