Title:Challenges and Opportunities of Internet Developments in China
Speaker:Wu Hequan
Chinese Academy of Engineering, China
With the world's second-largest and fastest-growing
Internet user population, more net-citizen share an
IPv4 address in China, it is indispensable to update
to IPv6.
VOIP has become dominant in long-distance voice service.
The proportion of int'l VOIP in China was as 4 times
as the world level. Internet entering the domain to
carry real time services has to confront the problems
such as QOS and security. IPTV needs a manageable IP
network to carry.
China's cities/towns with population high density are
in favor of broadband deployment especially FTTB/FTTZ.
Chinese broadband users download video content in greater
percentages than users in the US. P2P file share traffic
now is single largest traffic type by volume on the
backbone network. The carriers press for scalable network
bandwidth and loss of revenues for emerging traffic.
Internet was facing challenges on convergence with telecommunications
and broadcasting. But over-lapping responsibility and
different goals of broadcast and communication regulation
to restrict triple play popularization should be resolved.
China's mobile packet data subscribers accounted for
25% of total mobile subscribers. The 3G development
will further impel mobile Internet development. TD-SCDMA
used TDD mode is flexible in uplink or downlink bandwidth
allocation and thus especially suits to asymmetric services
such as access to Internet.
The development history of the Internet itself is an
innovative course. In order to enable new paradigm shifts
that preserves and expands opportunities for innovation
and economic growth. It wills to be seen the evolution
or revolution of Internet protocol are required, but
more important is to build an innovation environment.
NGI / NGN trial in China is in process of underway.
At present CNGI (China's next generation Internet demonstration
network project) is the most large-scale IPv6 experiment
network in the whole world. It is other than NGI experiments
carried on in overseas, because of the active participation
of major telecommunication operators in China, CNGI
has paid much more attention for to research on QOS
architecture and technologies and to support for wireless
and mobile business development.
Wu Hequan was Vice-President and Chief Engineer of China Academy of Telecommunications Technology (CATT) in 1997-2003. He has undertaken to study on optical fiber transmission system and broadband network and manage R&D projects for a long time. He was elected the academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) in 1999 and Vice-President of CAE since June 2002. He is currently assigned as Vice-Director of Advisory Committee for State Informatization of China. He is Vice-Director of an Executive Council of China Institute of Communications (CIC) and Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE), respectively. He is an Adviser of Communication S&T Committee of MII. He also takes on Director of Experts Committee of China's Next Generation Internet (CNGI) project. He was a senior member of IEEE.
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