ICNP-95 Final Program November 9
ICNP-95 Final Program
Thursday, November 9, 1995:
Plenary session(9:00-10:00 a.m.)(hall)
Session Chair: Norio Shiratori, Tohoku University, Japan
Keynote Speech: Dr. Iowa Toda, VP, Fujitsu, Japan "Management Innovation and Information Technology"
Refreshment Break (10:00-11:00 a.m.)
Session 4A: Transport Protocols (11:00-12:30)(Room A)
- Session Co-Chairs:
- Samuel Chanson, UST, Hong Kong
- Hidetaka Miyake, Fuji Xerox, Japan
- A Robust Transport Protocol for Run-Time Fault Detection
G. Noubir, K. Vijayananda, H. Nussbaumer, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerla
- Implementation Method of High Speed Protocol as Transport Library
Y. Miyake, T. Kato, K. Suzuki, Kdd R&D Laboratories, Japan
- The Interaction Between the V Protocol and the Q.2931 Protocol for the Interactive Vid
eo Network
M. J. McPheters, H. T. Nguyen, M. T. Midani, AT&T Bell Laboratories, U.S.A.
Session 4B: Wireless Communications(Room B)
- Session Co-Chairs:
- Shiro Sakata, NEC, Japan
- Mabo Ito, UBC, Canada
- A Wireless Link Protocol: Design by Refinement
M. G. Gouda and S. Paul, AT&T Bell Lab, U.S.A.
- Mobile Real Time Communications on FddI Networks
Y. Yang, T.-H. Lai, M. T. Liu, The Ohio State University, U.S.A.
- Multimedia Transport in Multihop Dynamic Packet Radio Networks
C.-H. R. Lin, M. Gerla, University of California, U.S.A.
Lunch Break (12:30-2:00)
Session 5A: Information Networks (2:00-3:30 p.m.)(Room A)
- Session Co-Chairs:
- Anish Arora, Ohio State University, U.S.A
- Hidenori Nakazato, Oki, Japan
- A Society of Cooperative Agents on the Information Network:
Towards Intelligent Information Gathering
R. Okada, E.-S. Lee and N. Shiratori, Tohoku University, Japan
- A Framework for Flexible Networking
M. Moser, K. Sugawara, and N. Shiratori, Tohoku University, Japan
- Distributed Protocol for Selective Intra-group Communication
T. Tachikawa and M. Takizawa, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
Session 5B: Multimedia Synchronization(Room B)
- Session Co-Chairs:
- Susumu Kitaguchi, Sharp, Japan
- Sanjoy Paul, AT&T Bell Labs, U.S.A.
- Multimedia Synchronization for Live Presentation Using the N-Buffer Approach
C.-M. Huang, R.-Y. Lee, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
- A Synchronization and Compensation Protocol for Multimedia Communication Systems
C.-H. Wu, L.-S. Koh, M. T. Liu, The Ohio State University, U.S.A.
- Formal Methods for Modeling Multimedia Synchronization Requirements
S. Vuong, K. Cooper, M. Ito, The University of British Columbia, Canada
Refreshment Break (3:30-4:00 p.m.)
Session 6A: Internetworking (4:00-5:30 p.m.)(Room A)
- Session Co-Chairs:
- Yutaka Hirasawa, Toshiba, Japan
- Behcet Sarikaya, University of Aizu, Japan
- TCP/IP and the European ATM Pilot
O. Bonaventure, E. Klovning, A. Danthine and O. Danthine, Universite de Liege, Belgium
- Internetworking Security between TCP/IP and OSI Network Managements
T. Kim, C. Lee and B. Noh, Chonnam National University, Korea
- Networking Abstractions and Protocols Under Variable Length Messages
S. W. Milliner, A. Delis, Queesland University of Technology, Australia
Session 6B: Multimedia Protocol Design(Room B)
- Session Co-Chairs:
- Chung-Ming Huang, National Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan
- Takashi Kurosawa, Microsoft, Japan
- Service and Connection Management Architecture for Distributed Multimedia Applications
C. S. Hong, H. Abe, D. Kashiwa and Y. Matsushita, Keio University, Japan
- A Call Model for Multimedia Multiuser Communication Platform
S. Park and Y. Choi, Seoul National University, Korea
- Protocol Architectures for Delivering Application Specific Quality of Service
P. K. Jain, N. C. Hutchinson and S. T. Chanson, Bell Northern Research, Canada
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