ICNP'99 Conference Committee

General Chair

Johnny Wong, University of Waterloo

Technical Program Co-Chairs

Joe Bannister, USC Information Sciences Institute
Email: joseph@isi.edu

Terry Todd, McMaster University
Email: todd@mcmaster.ca

Tutorials Chair

Kevin Almeroth, UC Santa Barbara
Email: almeroth@cs.ucsb.edu

Local Arrangements Chair

Bart Domzy, Trent University

Program Committee

Sudhir Aggarwal, SUNY at Binghamton
Kevin Almeroth, UCSB
Mostafa Ammar, Georgia Tech
Anish Arora, Ohio State Univ.
Harmen van As, Vienna Technical Univ.
Anindo Banerjea, USC ISI
Jose Brustoloni, Bell Labs, Lucent
Ken Calvert, Univ. of Kentucky
Imrich Chlamtac, Univ. of Texas, Dallas
Jorge Cobb, Univ. of Texas, Dallas
Jon Crowcroft, University College, London
Michael Dahlin, Univ. of Texas, Austin
Christophe Diot, Sprint Labs
Chris Edmondson-Yurkanan, Univ. of Texas, Austin
Mario Gerla, UCLA
Li Gong, Sun Microsystems
Mohamed Gouda, Univ. of Texas, Austin
Mark Handley, AT&T Center for Internet Research at ICSI
Teruo Higashino, Osaka Univ.
Chao-Ju Jennifer Hou, Ohio State Univ.
Allison Mankin, USC ISI-East
Ibrahim Matta, Boston Univ.
Melody Moh, San Jose State Univ.
Mart Molle, Univ. of California, Riverside
Sanjoy Paul, Bell Labs, Lucent
Chunming Qiao, SUNY at Buffalo
Luigi Rizzo, Univ. of Pisa
Marco Schneider, SBC Technology Resources
Gurdip Singh, Kansas State Univ.
Martha Steenstrup, BBN
James Sterbenz, BBN Technologies, GTE
David Su, NIST
Kenji Suzuki, Kokusai Denshin Denwa Co.
Ljiljana Trajkovic, Simon Fraser Univ.
Brett Vickers, Rutgers Univ.
David Yau, Purdue Univ.
Geoffrey Xie, Naval Postgraduate School
Ellen Zegura, Georgia Tech
Hui Zhang, Carnegie Mellon Univ.

ICNP Steering Committee

Mostafa Ammar, Georgia Insitute of Technology
Mohamed Gouda, University of Texas at Austin
Simon Lam, University of Texas at Austin
David Lee, Bell Labs
Ming T. (Mike) Liu, Ohio State University
Raymond Miller, University of Maryland, College Park
Krishan Sabnani, Bell Labs

ICNP'99 Conference Home Page