ICNP'99 Registration
Advance Registration for ICNP'99 is now closed. However, you are welcome to register on-site at the following
Sunday, October 31
8am - 10am
2pm - 5:30pm
Monday, November 1
7:30am - 5:30pm
Tuesday/Wednesday, November 2/3
8am - 5:30pm
Conference Registration
Conference registration includes admission to all conference sessions,
one copy of the conference proceedings, refreshment breaks, and one
Member: US$375
Nonmember: US$500
Full-time Student: US$200
Tutorial Registration
Includes admission to the selected tutorial on Sunday, 31 October
(9:00am - 5:00pm), one set of notes, and lunch.
Member: US$300
Nonmember: US$400
Full-time Student: US$300
Tutorial 1: Internet Telephony
Henning Schulzrinne, Columbia University
Tutorial 2: Mobile IP
Charles Perkins, Sun Microsystems
IEEE Computer Society Registration Site