Hotel Reservation Information

Room Rate (Japanese YEN)

Name of Hotel Room Rate Access to the conference site
Single Twin
Senri Hankyu Hotel 11,220 19,690 20 minutes by bus
Hotel Mare Minamisenri 8,000 15,000 20 minutes by bus

Above rate (in Japanese YEN) includes breakfast, service charge, except tax.
The deposit of 10,000 YEN will be deducted when settling the bill with the hotel.
Single: 1-bed room, Twin: 2-bed room.
For foreigners, we recommend to stay at Senri Hankyu Hotel because the bus transportation service will be provided between Senri Hankyu Hotel and the conference site.

Hotel reservation form (just same as the conference registration form) is available here (in MS Word) or here (in PDF). Return this form by Oct. 13, 2000. If you are Japanese, please use the form written in Japanese; in MS Word or in PDF.



