Title:Internet Video: New Wine, Old Bottle
Speaker:Hui Zhang
Rinera Networks
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
After long anticipation by academia and industry, the age of Internet
video has finally arrived. In the very near future, video will become
the dominant traffic type over the Internet. Like previous generations
of Internet applications such as World Wide Web that make the
consumption, production, and distribution of text/image content
accessible to any users, Internet video applications will not only
allow any user to access any video at any time from anywhere, but
also enable any user to produce and distribute videos at any time to
This vision of ubiquitous video has been around for a long time.
Driven by this vision, the research community has spent significant
effort and made enormous progress in diverse areas such as QoS,
multicast, caching, CDN, P2P, and coding. Have all the important
problems been solved? In there any good research left to be done? In
this talk, I will argue the reality of Internet video poses
significant technical challenges. The research community should
seize the opportunity, make fundamental technical breakthroughs, and
provide technical leadership for the Internet video revolution.
Hui Zhang is Founder and President of Rinera Networks, Inc., and
professor in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon
University. He has done research on clean slate Internet architecture,
QoS, multicast, and peer-to-peer video streaming systems.
Zhang is an ACM Fellow. He received the National Science Foundation
CAREER Award in 1996 and the Alfred Sloan Fellowship in 2000. He held
the CMU SCS Finmeccanica Junior Faculty Chair from 1998 to 2002.
He was the Chief Technical Officer of Turin Networks from 2000 to 2003.
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