14th IEEE International Conference on
Network Protocols
Santa Barbara,
California, USA
November 12 - 15, 2006
November 12 - 15, 2006
Call for Papers
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ICNP 2006, the fourteenth IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, is a single-track conference covering all aspects of network protocols including design, analysis, specification, verification, implementation, and performance. ICNP 2006 will be held in Santa Barbara, California, USA on Nov. 12-15, 2006. Papers describing significant research contributions to the field of network protocols are solicited for submission.
Papers cannot be previously published nor under review by another conference or journal. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Protocol testing, analysis, design and implementation
- Measurement and monitoring of protocols
- Protocols designed for specific functions, such as: routing, flow and congestion control, QoS, signaling, security, and resiliency
- Protocols designed for specific networks, such as: wireless and mobile networks, Ad hoc and sensor networks, and ubiquitous networks
Important Dates
- Paper registration: May 9, 2006
- Paper submission: May 16, 2006
- Notification of acceptance: July 21, 2006
- Camera ready version: August 11, 2006
Web site: http://www.ieee-icnp.org/2006/
E-mail: icnp2006-org AT cs.ucsb.edu