14th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols
Santa Barbara, California, USA
November 12 - 15, 2006

Paper  Submission Instructions

Papers must be written in English. Only electronic submissions will be accepted (see instructions below). Papers not meeting the exact guidelines detailed below will be returned to the authors.

Format and Length

Dual Submissions

Once submitted to ICNP, a paper cannot be submitted to another workshop, conference or journal until the ICNP acceptance decision is known. To do so is to risk wasting one of our community's scarcest resources: reviewer effort. Similarly, a paper that is under consideration elsewhere, including a workshop or journal, cannot simultaneously be submitted to ICNP.

If some of the material in a submission has appeared in a workshop, the paper should so indicate. This is only acceptable if the paper submitted to ICNP provides substantial additional results compared to the earlier or pending publication.

Electronic Submission

Papers are being handled through a CyberChair (http://www.cyberchair.org/) server. To begin the submission process, click on the link below. Please indicate the topics/keywords relevant to your paper when registering it, as these will be used to match papers to reviewers. Please note the HARD deadline for registering the title and the abstract of the paper: 11:59pm Pacific Standard Time (PST), May 9, 2006. The deadline for submitting the actual paper (that has already been registered) is May 16, 2006, 11:59pm PST.

Click here to submit a paper to ICNP 2006.

Important Note: Registration Policy

At least one of the authors of each paper presented at the conference must be registered in a non-student category.

Additional Information

Web site: http://www.ieee-icnp.org/2006
E-mail: icnp2006-org AT cs.ucsb.edu