Organizing Committee
Student Travel Grants
Technical Program
PhD Forum
Past Links:
Call for Workshops
Call for Papers
Call for Posters
Camera Ready Instructions
Submission Instructions
Shorter printable version of CFP
The IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP) is a
premier conference on computer networks and network protocols. The
conference scope includes all areas of computer networks and network
protocols. Topics of interests include but are not limited to:
protocol design, specification, verification, and analysis
defined networking
Network protocol
implementation, testing, and measurement
Network management
Protocols for
specific applications
Traffic engineering
architectures and high performance algorithms
simulation, and modeling of operational networks
broadcast, and anycast
survivability, and troubleshooting of networking systems
Network security
and privacy
Peer to peer,
overlay, and content distribution networks |
design and optimization
allocation, management, Quality of Service
Enterprise networks
Wireless, RFID,
mobile, ad-hoc, vehicular, and sensor networks
Cloud computing
Operating system
and host support for networking
Information centric
Networking issues
for emerging applications
Energy aware
Routing, switching,
and addressing
Online social
Datacenter and
storage area networks |
Network economics |
This year, ICNP solicits two types of papers: regular papers of at most
12 pages each, and concise papers of at most 6 pages each. A regular
paper describes an important research project that has been completed,
whereas a concise paper describes a significant contribution in a
research project that may still be in progress. Thus, the completed
version of any concise paper can be submitted and published in another
venue at a later year. Regular papers and concise papers will have
different submission and notification deadlines and they will be
reviewed by different sets of TPC members.
Up to two of the best papers from ICNP will be fast-tracked in the
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, with a streamlined journal review
process. Acceptance of fast-tracked papers in ToN is not guaranteed,
but is more likely than a regular submission. For details of this
process, please refer to http://www.ifp.illinois.edu/ton/fast-track.html.
Submission policy for both regular and concise papers:
- All papers should adhere to the IEEE Computer conference
paper format (IEEEtran.cls) and the font size should be no smaller than
10 pt.
- ICNP uses a double-blind review process. The identity of
authors and referees will not be revealed to each other. To ensure
double-blind reviewing, author names and affiliations should not appear
in the paper; bibliographic references should be made in such a way as
to preserve author anonymity; acknowledgement with identifiable names
and funding sources should be removed. Note that own work should be
cited as a third person. Papers violating this double-blind review
policy will be rejected without review. Note that double-blind
violations are sometimes not discovered until well into the review
process, so authors are strongly advised to heed the above requirements
at submission time.
- Authors need to indicate in their submissions all TPC
members with whom they have conflicts of interest. An author and a TPC
member have a conflict of interest if one of the following conditions
is satisfied: (1) They are currently employed at the same institution,
or they have been employed at the same institution within the last 12
months, or they are going to be employment at the same institution
within the next 6 months. (2) The author and the TPC member had an
advisor-advisee relationship. (3) The author and the TPC member have
collaborated on a project, a publication, or a grant proposal within
the past 4 years. (4) The author and the TPC member have family
relationship or are close personal friend. Authors should not
improperly identify TPC members as conflicts to avoid individuals who
might review their papers.
- At least one author of an accepted paper, whether regular
or concise, is expected to register at the full rate of the conference
and to present the paper at the conference, in order for the paper to
appear in the conference proceedings and be submitted to the IEEE
digital library. Papers not presented by an author at the conference
will not be published in the proceedings or submitted for inclusion in
the IEEE digital library.
Integrity policy for both regular and concise papers:
ICNP strictly enforces the following integrity policies. Authors
violating these policies will cause their submissions to be rejected
without review. Furthermore, ICNP may take action against individuals
who have engaged in such violation; example actions include, but are
not limited to, contacting the institutions of the authors and
publicizing the details of the case.
- Submitted papers should not be previously published nor
under review by another conference or journal. In some cases, the ICNP
chairs may share information about submitted papers with other
conference chairs and journal editors to ensure the integrity of papers
under consideration.
- Authors are prohibited from informing any TPC member of any
identifiable information (such as titles) of their submissions.
Important dates for regular papers:
Paper Submission May 9, 2014, 11:59 PM EST (FIRM)
Acceptance Notification July 4, 2014, 11:59 PM EST
Camera Ready Version Aug 15, 2014, 11:59 PM EST
Important dates for concise papers:
Paper Submission May 23, 2014, 11:59 PM EST (FIRM)
Acceptance Notification July 4, 2014, 11:59 PM EST
Camera Ready Version Aug 15, 2014, 11:59 PM EST